- Conferences

- 2024

- 11.21~11.22
- 2024 AACR-KCA joint conference on precision medicine in cancer, Seoul, Korea

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Leveraging high-throughput proteomics to identify tumor-specific antigens and neoantigens for cancer treatment
- - An AI-driven software for accessible pan-cancer data mining and biomarker discovery
- - Association of tumor-infiltrating immune cells with patient survival and omics data across multiple cancer type
- 10.23~10.25
- 36th EORTC-NCI-AACR symposium on molecular targets and cancer therapeutics, Barcelona, Spain

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Comprehensive omics and phenotypic data integration for enhanced drug target and biomarker discovery in cancer
- - Leveraging high-throughput proteomics to identify tumor-specific antigens and neoantigens for cancer treatment
- - Association of tumor-infiltrating immune cells with patient survival and omics data across multiple cancer type
- 10.22~10.25
- 1st Asia & Pacific Bioinformatics Joint Conference, Okinawa, Japan

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Q-omics: AI platform for consensus analysis of multimodal omics data
- 10.08~10.11
- 2024 International conference KSMCB, Jeju, Korea

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Association of tumor-infiltrating immune cells with patient survival and omics data across multiple cancer type
- - Leveraging high-throughput proteomics to identify tumor-specific antigens and neoantigens for cancer treatment
- - AI-Powered Q-omics: A comprehensive platform for pan-cancer data mining and drug, target, and biomarker discovery
- 09.19~09.21
- The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, Fukuoka, Japan


- [ Poster presentation ]
- - AI-assisted, consensus data mining in the discovery of synthetic lethal targets and biomarkers in cancer
- - Leveraging high-throughput proteomics to identify tumor-specific antigens and neoantigens for cancer treatment
- - Association of tumor-infiltrating immune cells with patient survival and omics data across multiple cancer type
- - Association of mutational signature with cancer progression
- 09.05~09.07
- The 33rd International KOGO Annual Conference, Seoul, Korea



- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Leveraging high-throughput proteomics to identify tumor-specific antigens and neoantigens for cancer treatment
- - AI-Powered Q-omics: A comprehensive platform for pan-cancer data mining and drug, target, and biomarker discovery
- - Association of tumor-infiltrating immune cells with patient survival and omics data across multiple cancer type
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Leveraging high-throughput proteomics to identify tumor-specific antigens and neoantigens for cancer treatment
- - Association of tumor-infiltrating immune cells with patient survival and omics data across multiple cancer type
- [ booth operation ]
- - Q-omics: smart software for oncology and cacer research
- 06.20~06.21
- 50th Annual Meeting of Korean Cancer Association & 10th International Cancer Conference, Seoul, Korea

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Consensus analysis in omics data mining for cancer drugs, targets and biomarkers
- 2023

- 12.19~12.21
- 2023 The Korean Society for Integrative Biology, Yeosu, Korea

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Consensus analysis in omics data mining for cancer drugs, targets and biomarkers
- - Qomics: smart software for assisting oncology and cancer research
- 11.15~11.17
- 2023 AACR-KCA Joint Conference on Precision Medicine in Cancer, Seoul, Korea

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Consensus analysis in omics data mining for cancer drugs, targets and biomarkers
- 11.13~11.15
- 2023 Annual Conference of Korean Society for Bioinformatics, Yeosu, Korea

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Qomics: smart software for assisting oncology and cancer research
- 10.12~10.14
- The 32nd International KOGO Annual Conference, Seoul, KOREA

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Comprehensive tool for pan-cancer consensus analysis of cancer drugs, targets and biomarkers
- 04.14~04.19

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Consensus analysis of associated target-biomarker pairs in cancers
- [ booth operation ]
- - Q-omics: smart software for oncology and cacer research
- 02.01~02.03
- The 19th KOGO Winter Symposium, Hongcheon, KOREA

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Consensus analysis of associated target-biomarker pairs in cancers
- 2022

- 10.26~10.28
- 34th EORTC-NCI-AACR symposium on molecular targets and cancer therapeutics, Barcelona, Spain

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Consensus analysis of associated target-biomarker pairs in cancers
- - Drowning in omics data? : Q-omics, a smart software for assisting oncology and cancer research
- 09.15~09.16
- The 31st International KOGO Annual Conference, Seoul, KOREA

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Q-omics : smart data mining for assisting oncology and cancer research
- 06.16~06.18
- 2nd International Congress of the Asian Oncology Society in conjunction with the 48th Annual Meeting of Korean Cnacer Association (AOS2022), Seoul, KOREA

- [ E-Poster presentation ]
- - Drowning in omics data? : Smart software for assisting oncology and cancer research
- 02.09~02.11
- The 18th KOGO Winter Symposium, Hongcheon, KOREA

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Landscaping prognostic gene expression and anticancer targets using sample- and lineage-consensus scores derived from pan-cancer omics data
- - Drowning in omics data? : Q-omics, a smart software for assisting oncology and cancer research
- 01.03~01.07
- Pacific Symposium on Biocomputin (PSB) 2022, The Big Island of Hawaii

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Landscaping prognostic gene expression and anticancer targets using sample- and lineage-consensus scores derived from pan-cancer omics data
- - Drowning in omics data? : Q-omics, a smart software for assisting oncology and cancer research
- 2021

- 11.03~11.05
- KSMCB International Conference 2021, Jeju, KOREA

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Analysis of gene expression markers predicting patient survival in cancers via Q-omics smart search
- - Q-omics: smart software for oncology and cancer research
- 06.17~06.18
- 47th Annual Meeting of Korean Cancer Association & 7th International Cancer Conference

- [ E-Poster presentation ]
- - Q-omics: smart software for oncologists to analyze cancer omics, drug and survival data
- 05.25~05.27
- KSBMB International Conference 2021, Busan, KOREA

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Easy and smart D.N.A. (Data, Network, AI) software for cancer research
- - Analysis of cross-association between multi omics data for predictive target discovery in cancers
- 2020

- 01.03~01.07
- PSB 2020 : pacific symposium biocomputing, Big Island of Hawaii

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Integrated omics data mining of synergistic gene pairs for cancer precision medicine
- 2019

- 12.19~12.20
- Visiting Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand

- 09.26~09.28
- The 78th Annual Meeting of the JCA (Japanese Cancer Association) 2019 , Kyoto, Japan
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Image-based siRNA screening for the regulation of intra-cellular translocation of CTNNB1 in colon cancers.
- - 3D screening of synthetic lethal gene pairs for targeted cancer therapies.
- 08.02~08.03
- Best of ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) 2019, Bangkok, Thailand
- 07.21~07.25
- 27th Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology and the 18th European Conference on Computational Biology 2019 , Basel, Switzerland

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Functional analysis of image-based cell profiling from high throughput cancer target screening.
- - Weighted tanimoto scoring for improved functional clustering of proteome data.
- - Analysis of non-genomic variation in cancer by anlyzing single cell transcriptome.
- - Transcriptome analysis for discovering biomarkers in the targeted cancer therapy.
- 06.20~06.21
- 45th Annual Meeting/5th International Cancer Conference, KCA (Korean Cancer Association), Seoul, Korea
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Smart screening of target-biomarker combination for cancer therapies.
- 03.10~03.16
- Target Engagement in Biology and Drug Discovery, EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory), Heidelberg, Germany
- 02.11~02.13
- The 15th KOGO Winter Symposium, Genomic for Innovative Biomedical Science 2019, Hongcheon, Korea
- 01.19~01.23
- Annual New Year Conference of Korean Society for Bioinformatics 2019, Nha Trang, Vietnam
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - De novo gene alignment based on machine learning.
- 2018

- 12.10~12.13
- 9th International Conference on Computational Systems-Biology and Bioinformatics (CSBio 2018), Bangkok, Thailand

- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Integration of omics and phenotypic screen data for target-biomarker combinations in cancers.
- 10.31~11.02
- TBC 2018/BIOINFO 2018 Translational Bioinformatics Conference, Seoul, Korea

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Single cell-oriented analysis of non-genetic variation in cancer transcriptome.
- - Transciptome analysis for biomarker discovery in the targeted cancer therapy.
- - Pairwise universal association scoring of genes for imporved functional clustering and network analysis.
- 09.09~09.13
- 26th Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology and the 17th European Conference on Computational Biology 2018, Athenes, Greece
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Identification of tumor-specific cell surface transcriptome markers for advanced cancer therapies.
- 06.21~06.22
- 44th Annual Meeting of Korean Cancer Association & 4th International Cancer Conference/Seoul, Korea
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Phenotypic screening and data mining platform for cancer precision medecine.
- 06.18~06.22
- 17th Annual World Preclinical Congress(WPC) / USA Boston

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Phenotypic siRNA screening and omics data mining for the discovery of drug targets and biomarkers.
- 02.23~02.25
- The 13th International Conference of the Asian Clinical Oncology Society (ACOS 2018) / Chiang Mai
- 02.14~02.17
- 9th International Conference on Innovations in Computational Bioengineering, Computer Sciences & Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 2017

- 10.31~11.03
- GIW/BIOINFO 2017/seoul, korea

- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Systematic analysis of cancer omics and phenotypic data for finding synthetic lethal target and biomarkder combinations

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Analysis of cancer targetome from siRNA library screening data
- - QSurface: Fast identification of surface expression markers in cancers
- 09.13~09.15
- SBI2 High Content 2017 - 4th Annual SBI2 Conference
- 07.21~07.25
- Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology and the 16th European Conference on Computational Biology 2017, Prague, Czech

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Integrated analysis of cancer omics and drug response for precision medicine
- - Understanding non-genetic variations in the clonal population of cancer cells
- 07.05~07.07
- Interbiz 2017/Jeju
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - 항암 타겟 및 약물에 대한 합성치사 바이오마커 조합 개발 기술
- 06.22~06.24
- 24th Asia Pacific Cancer Conference 2017, Seoul, Korea

- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Systematic discovery of synthetic lethality for cancer precision medicine
- - 3D culture based RNAi screen identifies lipid biosynthesis as a novel therapeutic target of cancer stem-like cells
- 02.04~02.08
- SLAS 2017 International Conference & Exhibition - RESEARCH:THE POSSIBILITIES, Washington DC, USA
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - siRNA Screen Identifies Lipid Biosynthesis as A Novel Selective Target of Cancer Stem-Like Cells
- - Synthetic lethality-oriented analysis of high-throughput data for cancer precision medicine
- 2016

- 11.28~12.02

- 10.30~11.03
- 07.08~07.10
- Best of ASC - 2nd SINGAPORE SOCIETY OF ONCOLOGY ASM, Singapore, Singapore
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Loss of Function Screens For Cancer Precision Medicine
- - Selective Efficacy of Cardiac Glycosides in STK11 Mutant Lung Cancers
- 01.24~01.26
- 1st International Conference on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics(ICPB 2016), Pattaya, Thailand
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Mutation-oriented analysis of drug response and omics data for cancer precision medicine
- 2015

- 12.02~12.05
- 2015 CSHA/AACR Joint Conference, Suzhou, China
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Advanced High-throughput siRNA screening for cancer target discovery
- - Epigenetic regulation of STK11 mutation in lung adenocarcinoma
- 11.20~11.20
- System Biology For Disease And Aging Research, Seoul, KOREA
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - 오믹스기반 암 정밀의약개발 전략
- 11.15~11.18
- RECOMB/ISCB Conference on Regulatory and Systems Genomics with DREAM Challenges 2015, Philadelphia, USA
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - The optimized high-throughput siRNA screening : Applications in cancer target discovery
- - MACE: a web-based application for analyzing mutation-specific drug response and gene expression in cancers
- 11.09~11.11
- Functional Analysis and Screening Technologies(FAST), Boston, USA
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - 3D Culture-Based siRNA Library Screening for Targeted Cancer Therapy
- 10.21~10.23
- BIOINFO 2015 Seoul 한국생물정보시스템생물학회 추계학술대회, Seoul, KOREA
- [ Award ]
- - BIOINFO 2015 OnBIT Award

- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Mutation-oriented Analysis of RNAi and Drug Screening Data for Precision Medicine in Cancers
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Advanced Application of High-throughput siRNA Library Screening in Targeted Cancer Therapy
- - Systematic Analysis of STK11-driven Methylation Regulation in Lung Adenocarcinoma
- - MACE: A Web-based Database of Mutation-oriented Chemical Response and Gene Expression in Cancers
- 06.25~06.27
- The 28th Sorak Conference 2015, YangYang, Korea
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Advanced Bioinformatics and siRNA Library Screening for Targeted Cancer Therapy
- 06.18~06.19
- The 41st Annual Meeting of Korean Cancer Association with International Cancer Conference, Seoul, Korea
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Smart Screening Platform for Mutation-Oriented Cancer Therapy
- - Advanced siRNA Library Screening for Targeted Cancer Therapy
- 03.14~03.17
- Human Genome Meeting 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Smart Screening for Cancer Drug Discovery
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Systematic Analysis of Big Data for Cancer Drug Discovery
- - Image-Based High Throughput SiRNA Library Screening Platform for Cancer Target Discovery
- 02.04~02.06
- The 11th KOGO Winter Symposium 2015, Hongcheon, Korea
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Smart Screening for Target-Oriented Cancer Drug Discovery
- 2014

- 12.15~12.17
- 2014 GIW ISCB-ASIA/The 25th International Conference on Genome Informatics, Tokyo, Japan
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Integrated Smart Screening Platform for Systems Medicine in Cancers
- - Analysis of intrinsic behavior of gene expression for the improved interpretation of transcriptome data
- 11.12~11.14
- BIOINFO 2014 Seoul 한국생물정보시스템생물학회 추계학술대회, Seoul, KOREA
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - High Throughput siRNA Library Screening Platform for Dissecting Cancer Therapeutic
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Big Data-driven Target Identification for Cancer Drug Discovery
- - TCGA Data Mining Reveals Reprogramming of Extracellular Matrix in Cancer Progression
- 11.07~11.07
- 21th International Symposium of Yonsei Song-Dang Institute for Cancer Research, Seoul, KOREA
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Smart screening for cancer drug discovery


- 10.21~10.26
- 15th IUBMB 24th FAOBMB-TSBMB, Taipei, Taiwan
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Systematic Analysis of Multi-level Omics Data for Cancer Drug Discovery
- - Image-Based Gene Perturbation Assays Using High Throughput siRNA Library Screening
Platform for Cancer Target Discovery


- 09.18~09.19
- 2014 KOGO 23th Annual Conference Integrative Precision Genomics, Seoul, KOREA
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Smart Screening for Systems Medicine in Cancers
- 08.06~08.08
- 7th AOHUPO Congress and 9TH International Symposium of the Protein Society of Thailand. Bangkok, Thiland

- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Analysis of multi-level omics data for target identification in cancer drug discovery
- 05.14~05.16
- 2014 KSBMB Annual Meeting. Seoul, KOREA
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Smart screening platform for cancer drug discovery
- - Big-data mining and smart screening platform for driving cancer drug discovery
- - High throughput siRNA library screening platform for cancer drug discovery
- - Integrative analysis of mutation-orientated drug sensitivity and gene espression using
NCI60 panel
- - Systematic analysis of drug response and gene/protein espression on mutational
landscape of cancer
- 04.05~04.09
- American Association for Cancer Research(AACR) Annual Meeting 2014. San Diego, USA



- 02.12~02.12
- 4th Food& Nutritional Genomics Research Symposium, Kyungpook national University, KOREA
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Large scale data mining and smart screening for cancer drug discovery
- 02.09~02.14
- The Molecular Medicine Tri Conference 2014. San Francisco, USA
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Big Data-Driven Smart Screening for Cancer Drug Discovery
- 01.25~01.25
- The 6th Workshop of Korean Cancer Association, Seoul, KOREA
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Systematic analysis of human tissue and cell line omics data for cancer drug discovery
- 01.15~01.17
- KSMCB Winter Conference 2014. Yong pyong, Korea
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Big-data Mining and Smart Screening for Cancer Drug Discovery
- - High throughput siRNA library screening platform to identify synthetic lethal genes as cancer therapeutic targets
- 2013

- 11.11~11.13
- 2013 Korean Society for Bioinformatics and System Biology. Busan, Korea
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Integrated Smart Screening Platform fot Systems Medicine
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Analysis of Mutation-specific Drug Sensitivity and Gene/protein Expression in Cancers
- 11.07~11.07
- 숙명여자대학교-삼성서울병원 공동심포지움. Seoul, Korea
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Smart Screening: New paradigm of Systems Biology for Cancer Research
- 10.08~10.12
- CMTPI-2013/7th International Sysposium. Seoul, KOREA
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Analysis of Cell Line-specific Compound Response in Cancers
- 10.03~10.06
- Lecture in National University of Mogolia, Ulanbaator
- 09.24~09.26
- 11th Discovery on Target, Boston, USA
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - siRNA Screening for AMPK-Oriented Cancer A549 Cells
- - Integrative Analysis of Somatic Mutaome for Targeted Therapies in Cancers
- 05.16~05.16
- 2013 KSBMB ANNUAL METTING, Seoul, Korea
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - An integrated cell line modeling for novel cancer therapy
- - Integrative analysis of correlation signtures between drug response and gene expression using NCI60 panel
- 04.13~04.15
- HGM2013/Joint Conference of HGM 2013 and 21ST International Congress of Genetics, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
- 04.09~04.11
- BIO-IT World Conference & EXPO 2013, Boston, USA
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Genotype-Based Analysis for Cancer Therapy Using Large-Scale Data Modeling
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Systematic Analysis of Genotype Dependent Gene Expression Signatures and Drug Response Using NCI60 Panel
- 2012

- 10.13~10.16
- TBC 2012/BIOINFO 2012 Translational Bioinformatics Conference, Jeju Island, Korea
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Systematic analysis of cell line data for the development of novel cancer treatment
- - Systematic Analysis of Genotype-dependent Gene Expression Signatures and Drug Sensitivity in NCI60 Datasets
- - Using CSSP to predict chameleon peptides
- 10.03~10.05
- 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics, Bangkok, Thailand
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Integrative large-scale data modeling for systems medicine in cancers
- 07.15~07.18
- ISMB2012/ 20th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecuar Biology, Long Beach, USA
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Analysis of genotype-based drug sensitivity and gene expression
- - Prediction of chameleon peptides by using CSSP algorithm
- - Identification of proteomic signature for glucose starvation in cancer cells

- 06.06~06.08
- Bio-IT World Asia Conference 2012, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Systems Approach for the Discovery of Novel Cancer Therapeutics
- 01.11~01.13
- 2012 KSBMB Winter Workshop, Korea
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Qcanvas: simple graphic user interface for clustering and visualization of genomics and proteomics data
- 2011

- 12.16~12.16
- 12.05~12.07
- The 22ND international conference on Genome Informatics, Busan, Korea
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Integration of Genotype-dependent Drug Response and Gene Expression
- - Discovery of targeted drugs: system-level analysis of omics and drug response data
- - NetCSSP: a web-based application for predicting structural change in protein


- 11.30~12.02
- Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Network's 10th InCoB - 1st ISCB Asia Joint Conference 2011 ,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

- 07.14~07.21
- 19th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology and 10th European Conference on Computational Biology , Viena, Austria
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - System-level analysis of cell line data for targeted drug discovery
- - Discovery and characterization of genoty pe-selective drugs in cancers
- 03.28~04.01
- KHUPO 11th Annual International Proteomics Conference, Korea
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Integrative analysis of omics and drug data for genotype-dependent cancer therapy
- 01.11~01.14
- The 9th Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, Inchon, Korea
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Iterative docking for hit enrichment and lead hopping: applications in drug discovery in metabolic diseases
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Novel strategy to analyze anti-cancer drug response
- - An Integrated approach for cell line modeling and cancer drug discovery
- - Computer-aided drug discovery for systems medicine: applications in metabolic diseases and cancers


- 2010

- 12.19~12.24
- 2010 Lectures to junior students of Linyi University, China
- [ Topics ]
- - Basic Guidelines for Bioinformatics
- - Advanced Application of Bioinfomatics in Biopharming


- 10.21~10.22
- 2010 Fall International Convention of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea, Cheongju, Korea
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Profiling Genotype-dependent Drug Sensitivity in Cancers
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Integrated platform for studying biomarkers, cytotoxicity and systems medicine
- - Discovery platforms for systems medicine and drug repositioning


- 10.08~10.09
- The 15th Samsung International Convention on Molecular Medicine. Seoul,Korea
- 09.09~09.10
- 2010 KOGO Annual conference. Genomics at the forefront of Life Science. Seoul, Korea
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Selective Gene Expression in Drug-induced Hepatoxicity
- - Systematic Analysis of Genotype-dependert Drug Sensitivity Using NCI60 Datasets
- - b-carboxyethyl-rhodanine derivatives and 1,3-diphenyl-1H-pyrazole derivatives as a new series of potent PPARg agonists

- 07.02~07.02
- KSBSB 2010 Summer School. Seoul, Korea
- 2009

- 11.04~11.06
- 10th International Conference of CBI-KSBSB Joint Conference, Busan, Korea


- 09.20~09.23
- Virtual Research Institute Seoul, Korea visiting AstraZeneca R&D Molndal, Sweden


- 06.27~07.02
- 17th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), Stockholm, Sweden



- 2008

- 12.03
- AstraGeneca, Virtual Research Insititute, Research Grant Award, Seoul

- 07.10~07.11
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Identification of Selective Gene Expression by Microarray Meta Analysis
- 01.14~01.17
- Asia Pacific Bioinformatic Conference, Kyoto, Japan
- 2007

- 09~11
- BK21 internship - Merck & Co. Inc., Modeling group, New Jersey, USA

- 05.28~05.31
- 2007 International Drug Discovery Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Integrated Approach for Structure-based virtual Screening
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Contribution of local secondary structure propensity to the correlated motions of amyloidogenic protein

- 02.08~02.09
- 2007 International Symposium on Photosynthesis and Environment, Pusan, Korea
- 01.23~01.24
- ADME, PK/TK, and Drug Metabolism in Drug Discovery and Development, Brussels, Belgium

- 2006

- 10.26~10.28
- 6th KIAS Conference on Protein Structure and Fuction, Seoul, Korea
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Predicting Contact-dependent Secondary Structure Propensity
- 09.21
- KOGO 2006 Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea
- [ Oral presentation ]
- - Predicting Contact-dependent Secondary Structure Propensity (CSSP): relevance to amyloidogenic sequences (Abstract, VOD)
- 09.09~09.17
- 16th Euro QSAR and Molecular Modeling - Mediterranean sea
- [ Poster presentation ]
- - Surrogate approach for structure-based virtual screening against unknown target proteins (Abstract)
- - Knowledge-based optimization of multiple conformation docking and scoring to design novel PPAR gamma-biding ligands




- 08.29
- Workshop - Advanced technologies in computer-aided drug discovery -RCWD
- [Program agenda]
- 07.08~07.14
- Schrodinger training workshop - Portland, USA
- [ topic ]
- - New developments of CADD tools in the Schrodinger package